By the time our children reach adolescence, we’ve all been through a variety of processes regarding educational options and have made many decisions for our children: public versus private, big school or small school, traditional or progressive, etc. Most people, however, have no prior experience with things like therapeutic programs, boarding schools, wilderness therapy, or young adult transitional living communities, and this unfamiliarity often results in confusion or hesitance. While this process is different and unfamiliar to many people, we strive to demystify it and show you how and why certain boarding or therapeutic placements could be the optimal choice for your child or young adult. From our personal experience we know how overwhelming this can be and know how it feels to have to sort through the options. The good news is that from personal experience we also know about the good work being done by many schools and programs.
Based on all available information about a child and family, our goal is to provide you with a carefully selected set of options for your child or young adult. Starting with a consultation, we will exchange information with you so that you understand how we work and can help you arrive at the best possible solution for your child. At that time we will also ask you for an overview of your child or young adult’s history and the various factors that led you to contact us. Once we agree to work together, we will ask you to provide us with all written documentation pertaining to your child or young adult’s academic and psychological history so that we may evaluate it in the context of services provided by various therapeutic programs. We will then begin to contact appropriate programs. We will communicate with them regarding your child or young adult and will evaluate the options.
The population we can help includes adolescents and young adults struggling with the following issues:
Behavioral Problems
Learning Differences
School Refusal
Academic Underachievement
Mood Disorder
Attachment and Adoption Issues
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Computer and Gaming Addictions
Substance or Alcohol Abuse
Sexual Addiction
Low Self-Esteem
Lack of Motivation
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Anger or Aggression
Self-Destructive Behavior
Identity Issues
Eating Disorders
Family Conflict
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder